I've been obsessed with them milk teas for almost 6months now. Trying different flavors; different stores of it but just one store caught me off guard. They had this Oolong Tea that not most stores provide. It was then stated that Oolong Tea helps in your slimming process. I believe on that fact and that i use it now for my diet regimen. (Well, I easily believe on anything haha!)
I wouldn't list down those tea shops that I didn't like or those flavors i hated. But the milk tea that was the best for me (for now) is the Roasted Oolong Milk Tea.
Roasted Oolong Milk Tea w/ Tapioca Balls |
Its roast aroma combined with the strong Oolong Tea and milk, really was well balanced! Any topping or sinker wouldn't even matter because the drink alone is great :) I wouldn't know what your tastes are but I recommend you to try it :) They didn't pay me or tell me to advertise it but I'll be glad to : Mad Hatter Tea & Crepes located at Abreeza Mall, near the Cinemas :)
These are some of my usual orders from different tea stores:
Green Milk Tea Light w/ Tapioca Balls |
Dark Chocolate Milk Tea w/ Strawberry Poppers |
Wintermelon Milk Tea w/ Pearls |